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The chemistry of functional oxides

Transition metal complex oxides are a rich family of compounds presenting extraordinary physical phenomena ranging from superconductivity, multiferroicity, magnetism, catalytic activity to simultaneous optical transparency and electric conductivity holding great potential to outperform conventional semiconductors for many electronic and energy applications. Their properties are highly sensitive to several parameters including their structure, composition, stoichiometry, crystalline orientation, strain and dimension. Achieving sufficiently precise control of these parameters and therefore on their properties requires an accurate synthesis procedure. 

Chemical deposition procedures are gaining attention as versatile and eco-friendly approaches to develop engineered functional complex oxides by properly selecting compatible chemical precursors and designing an specific thermal treatment. The conversion process that the chemical precursors undergoes to form the desired oxides completely differs to that described for physical deposition techniques offering unique opportunities to synthesize complex oxides with distinct properties.

We explore the frontiers of chemical procedures to design complex oxides in the form of thin films, nanostructures, heterostructures and freestanding membranes prioritizing the use of low-toxic and abundant elements. The focus is placed on understanding the chemistry-structure-property relationship to be able to design innovative materials with tailored properties for next-generation electronic devices.
