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Plenary, invited, regular



Electromagnetic detection of spin-orbit entangled states in Jahn-Teller Mn3+ ions*
Gervasi Herranz
APS March Meeting 2024
Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, 2024

Stoichiometric control of 2D superconductivity and mobility at SrTiO3-based interfaces
Gyanendra Singh
APS March Meeting 2024
Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, 2024

Large photoresponse and grain boundaries of LaFeO3-based heterojunctions
Mario Villa
EMRS Spring meeting
Strasbourg, France, 2024

Microstructural domain mapping of LaFeO3-based heterojunctions
Mario Villa
EMRS Spring meeting
Strasbourg, France, 2024



Electron-phonon vs electron-electron correlations in early-transition metal conducting oxides
Josep Fontcuberta
The 13th International Conference on Advanced Materials and Devices ICAMD 2023
Dec. 4-8, 2023, Jeju, Korea

Growth, optimization, and electrical manipulation of rare-earth iron garnets for efficient spintronics
Can Onur Avci
JEMS2023 Joint European Magnetic Symposia
Aug. 28- Sep 02, 2023, Madrid, Spain.

Growth, optimization, and electrical manipulation of rare-earth iron garnets for efficient spintronics
Can Onur Avci
SPIE Spintronics-XVI
Aug. 20-24, 2023, San Diego, USA

Growth, optimization, and electrical manipulation of rare-earth iron garnets for spintronic applications
Can Onur Avci
IEEE International Magnetics Conference INTERMAG 2023
May. 15-19, 2023, Sendai, Japan

Rare-earth iron garnets with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy for efficient spintronics
Can Onur Avci
8th International Conference on Superconductivity and Magnetism (ICSM2023)
May 4-11 2023, Fethiye Turkey


Spin-orbit mixed states in an electromagnetic field
Gervasi Herranz
APS March Meeting
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 2023

Electron-phonon and spin-orbit coupling in early-transition metal conductive oxides
Josep Fontcuberta
APS March Meeting
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 2023



Chiral interlayer coupling in magnetic multilayers
Can Onur Avci
12th International Conference on Magnetic and Superconducting Materials (MSM22)
Aug. 28 – Sep. 02, 2022, Duisburg, Germany

Electrical control of magnetization in magnetic insulators
Can Onur Avci
20th International Symposium on the Physics of Semiconductors and Applications (ISPSA 2022)
Jul. 17-21, 2022, Jeju, Korea

Current-induced magnetization control and chiral interlayer coupling in magnetic heterostructures
Can Onur Avci
24th International Colloquium on Magnetic Films and Surfaces (ICMFS 2022)
Jul 10-15, 2022, Okinawa, Japan

Chiral interlayer coupling in magnetic multilayers
Can Onur Avci
16th International Conference on Nanostructured Materials (Nano2022)
Jun. 6-10, 2022, Sevilla, Spain

Nonlocal detection of out-of-plane magnetization in a magnetic insulator by thermal spin drag
Can Onur Avci
APS March Meeting 2022
Mar. 14-18, 2022, Chicago, USA

Electron-phonon and spin-orbit couplings in early-transition metal in conducting oxides
J. Fontcuberta
SPIN 2022
Bariloche, Argentina, 6th November – 11th November


Chiral coupling between magnetic layers with orthogonal magnetization
Can Onur Avci
JEMS2022 Joint European Magnetic Symposia
Jul. 24-29, 2022, Warsaw, Poland.

Direct exchange-interactions boost magnetic frustration and a large zero-point entropy in the novel MnTa2N4 diamond-lattice spinel
J. Fontcuberta
Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Conferences MMM 2022 (MInnesota , USA)
Minnesota , USA, 31  october – 4th November

Light-matter interactions modulated by electron-lattice coupling in transition metal oxides
G. Herranz
International Workshop on Oxide Electronics (MInnesota , USA)
Portland, Maine, USA, 5 October 2022



“Epitaxial ferroelectric doped HfO2 thin films on Si(001)”
F. Sánchez
EPIDOX : Virtual workshop on oxide epitaxy
Virtual, 18 November2021

“Light-Matter Interactions in New Materials and Meta-Architectures”
J. Fontcuberta
META 2021-The 11th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics
Warsaw (P0land), 20 – 23 July 2021

“Spin currents. A probe of interfacial magnetism”
J. Fontcuberta
In-operando adjustable orbital polarization in nickelate perovskites
Moena (Italy), 13 – 16 June 2021



“Spin currents. A probe of interfacial magnetism”
J. Fontcuberta
4th Functional Oxide Thin Films for Advanced Energy and Information Technology Conference
Lisboa 17 – 20 July 2019

“Nonreciprocal magnetoplasmonic gratings”
G. Herranz
META 2019, the 10th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics
Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal, 23 – 26 July 26, 2019

”Electric-field tunable magnetoplasmonic gratings“,
G. Herranz
SPIE Optics + Photonics conference
San Diego Convention Center, California, United States, 11 – 15 August 2019

“Electroresistance in epitaxial ferroelectric HfO 2 -based thin films”
J. Fontcuberta
Grenoble-Barcelona Twin Conference: Quantum Systems, New Materials & Smart Electronics 
Grenoble 23-25 October 2019

“Electric control of antiferromagnetic/ferromagnetic order”
I. Fina 
Las Vegas 7th November 2019



“Multiferroic materials and heterostructures. A view towards applications”
J. Fontcuberta 
MANEP 2018
Les Diablerets Swizerlad, 20-31 August, 2018

“Epitaxy of oxides on silicon”
F. Sanchez 
3rd Autumn School on Physics of Advanced Materials, PAMS-3
Heraklion (Greece), 26 September, 2018

“Epitaxial stabilization of ferroelectric Hf0.5Zr0.5O2 thin films”
F. Sanchez
12th International Conference on Physics of Advanced Materials, ICPAM-12,
Heraklion (Greece), 23 September, 2018

“Lattice instabilities and functional properties of oxide perovskites”
G. Herranz 
EMRS Fall Meeting 2018, Symposium P, Epitaxial oxide films for electronic applications
Warsaw, September 2018. 



“Ferromagnetic and Ferroelectric. A win-win couple”
J. Fontcuberta
Moscow International Symposium on Magnetism (MISM 2017)
Moscow State University, 2 – 8 July 2017

“Electroresistance at ferroelectric junctions. Polarization charge and ions at play”
J. Fontcuberta
2th International Workshop on New Trends on Physics of Ferroics. NTPF 2017
6-8 July 2017, San Petersburg

“Opportunities of multifunctional materials in energy-efficient oxide electronics”
G. Herranz
Workshop Multifunctional oxides: Sinergy between fundamental science and novel technologies
13-15 December 2017, Buenos Aires, Argentina


Monolithic integration of room-temperature multifunctional BaTiO3-CoFe2O4 epitaxial heterostructures on Si(001)
M. Scigaj, N. Dix, J. Gázquez, M. Varela, I. Fina, N. Domingo, G. Herranz, V. Skumryev, J. Fontcuberta, F. Sánchez
Electronic Materials and Applications 17 (The American Ceramic Society)
Orlando (USA), January 18, 2017

Field-effect modulation of  La0,5Sr0.5MnO3 slave layers in ferroelectric tunel junctions
J. Fontcuberta
York-Tohoku-Kaiserslautern 2nd Research Symposium on “New Concept Spintronics Devices” Session 2: Electrically Controlled Magnetisation.
Departments of Physics and Electronics, University of York (UK) 21-23 June 2017.

Tuning lattice strain and electrical properties of epitaxial ferroelectric BaTiO3 films on Si(001)
J. Lyu, I. Fina, R. Solanas, J. Fontcuberta, F. Sanchez
The 9th International Conference on Advanced Materials, ROCAM 2017
Bucarest (Rumanía), July 12, 2017

Spin diffusion and proximity effects in metal/ferromagnetic-insulator bilayer
J. Fontcuberta
Magnetic Coupling in Nanostructured Materials (MaCMat-2017)
Roma, 23 – 24 October 2017

“In-situ imaging of electric field-induced ferroelastic domain motion in SrTiO3 “
G. Herranz
Center for Correlated Electron Systems IBS (Prof. Tae Won Noh’s Group)
Seoul, South Korea, 4 December 2017.

”Structural distortions in perovskite oxide heterostructures: a tale of two modes”
G. Herranz
10th International conference on Advanced Materials and Devices
Jeju Island, Korea, 5-8 December 2017.

“Ferromagnetic and Ferroelectric. A wining couple”
J. Fontcuberta
The International Symposium on Integrated Functionalities (ISIF2017)
Delhi, 10-13th December.




“The revival of magnetic oxides and antiferromagnets“
Author: Josep Fontcuberta
JEMS (Joint European Meeting on Magnetism) 2016
Symposium on “Frontiers in Magnetism”
Glasgow, UK  26th August 2016

“The magnetism of oxides“
Author: Josep Fontcuberta
IOP Institute of Physics UK;
Cutler’s Hall Sheffield: 4-6th April 2016



“Manipulating magnetic states in nanostructures with strain waves“
Author: Ferran Macià
Nanoselect 2016
San Feliu de Guíxols,  9 June 2016

“Control of Magnetic states with Surface Acoustics Waves“
Author: Joan Manel Henrnàndez and Ferran Macià
12th Internacional workshop on magnetism and superconductivity at the nanoscale

Comarruga,  6 July 2016

Untangling Electrostatic and Strain Effects on the Polarization of Ferroelectric Superlattices
Author: E. Khestanova, N. Dix, I. Fina, J.M Rebled, C. Magen, S. Estrade, F. Peiro, J. Fontcuberta, F. Sanchez
11th International Conference on Physics of Advanced Materials (ICPAM-11)
Cluj-Napoca (Rumania), September 14, 2016



“The magnetism of oxides. A path towards greener electronic devices”
Josep Fontcuberta
Seminars of Applied Chemistry (course 2015-16)
Faculty of Chemistry. Universitat de Barcelona, 23 February 2016

“The magnetism of oxides.A path towards greener electronic devices“
Author: Josep Fontcuberta
Institute of Physics. Polish Academy of Sciences
Warszaw, 22 March 2016

“The magnetism of oxides: A new age for magnetic materials“
Author: Josep Fontcuberta
Seagate Minneapolis USA
Minnenapolis 11Th April 2016

“The magnetism of oxides: A new age for magnetic materials“
Josep Fontcuberta
University of  Minneapolis USA
Minnenapolis 11Th April 2016

“The magnetism of oxides: A new age for magnetic materials“
Author: Josep Fontcuberta
AMES National Lab
Iowa  USA 13th April 2016

“The magnetism of oxides: A new age for magnetic materials“
Author: Josep Fontcuberta
Argonne National Lab.
Argonne USA, 14Th April 2016

“The magnetism of oxides: A new age for magnetic materials“
Author: Josep Fontcuberta
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburg USA, 15Th April 2016

“The magnetism of oxides: A new age for magnetic materials“
Josep Fontcuberta
Politecnico de Milano
Milano, Italy 22Th April 2016

“The magnetism of oxides: A new age for magnetic materials“
Josep Fontcuberta
Institut de Physique et Chimie des Matériaux
Strasbourg, France 11th April 2016

“The magnetism of oxides: A new age for magnetic materials“
Josep Fontcuberta
Institut Jean Lamour
Nancy, France. 12th April 2016

“The magnetism of oxides: A new age for magnetic materials“
Josep Fontcuberta
Grenoble, France. 13th April 2016

“Insulating ferromagnets, multiferroics and  antiferromagnets come to the stage“
Josep Fontcuberta
Universita degli Studio Napoli Federico I
Naples, Italy 19Th May 2016

“Insulating ferromagnets, multiferroics and  antiferromagnets come to the stage“
Josep Fontcuberta
Instituto di Structtura della  Materia. CNR Rome
Rome, Italy   20Th May 2016

“Insulating ferromagnets, multiferroics and  antiferromagnets come to the stage“
Josep Fontcuberta
National Tsing Hua University
Hsinchu City, Taiwan  23Th May 2016

“Insulating ferromagnets, multiferroics and  antiferromagnets come to the stage“
Josep Fontcuberta
National Taiwan  University
Taipei, Taiwan    24Th May 2016

“Insulating ferromagnets, multiferroics and  antiferromagnets come to the stage“
Josep Fontcuberta
Polytechnic University Hong Kong
Hong Kong     26Th May 2016

“Insulating ferromagnets, multiferroics and  antiferromagnets come to the stage“
Josep Fontcuberta
Electric and Electonic Eng. Dept. University Hong Kong
Hong Kong     27Th May 2016

“Insulating ferromagnets, multiferroics and  antiferromagnets come to the stage“
Josep Fontcuberta
Tsukuba, Japan  11th  July 2016

“Insulating ferromagnets, multiferroics and  antiferromagnets come to the stage“
Josep Fontcuberta
University Tokyo (Hongo)
TokyoTsukuba, Japan  12th  July 2016

“Insulating ferromagnets, multiferroics and  antiferromagnets come to the stage“
Josep Fontcuberta
RIKEN (Hongo)
Wako, Japan  13th  July 2016

“Insulating ferromagnets, multiferroics and  antiferromagnets come to the stage“
Josep Fontcuberta
University Tohoku
Sendai, Japan  14th  July 2016

“The magnetism of Oxides. Insulating ferromagnets, multiferroics and  antiferromagnets come to the stage“
Josep Fontcuberta
Dept of Physics, New South Wales University (NSWU)
Sydney, Australia  18th  July 2016

“The magnetism of Oxides. Insulating ferromagnets, multiferroics and  antiferromagnets come to the stage“
Josep Fontcuberta
Dept of Physics, University Wollongong
Wollonbon, Australia  19th  July 2016

“The magnetism of Oxides. Insulating ferromagnets, multiferroics and  antiferromagnets come to the stage“
Josep Fontcuberta
Dept of Physics, University West Australia
Perth, Australia 9th  August 2016

“The magnetism of Oxides. Insulating ferromagnets, multiferroics and  antiferromagnets come to the stage“
Author: Josep Fontcuberta
Gaithersburg, USA 27th 2016

“The magnetism of Oxides. Insulating ferromagnets, multiferroics and  antiferromagnets come to the stage“
Josep Fontcuberta
Univesity Virginia
Richmond, USA, 28th June 2016

“The magnetism of Oxides. Insulating ferromagnets, multiferroics and  antiferromagnets come to the stage“
Author: Josep Fontcuberta
Matt. Res. Inst. Penn State University
Penn State, USA 30th June 2016

“The magnetism of Oxides. Insulating ferromagnets, multiferroics and  antiferromagnets come to the stage“
Author: Josep Fontcuberta
Matt. Sci & Eng.Department,  University Drexel
Philadelphia, USA 1st July 2016

“The magnetism of Oxides. Insulating ferromagnets, multiferroics and  antiferromagnets come to the stage“
Author: Josep Fontcuberta
Arizona State University (ASU)
Tempe, USA 15th Sep. 2016

“The magnetism of Oxides. Insulating ferromagnets, multiferroics and  antiferromagnets come to the stage“
Author: Josep Fontcuberta
University Arizona
Tucson (USA), 16th Sep. 2016

“The magnetism of Oxides. Insulating ferromagnets, multiferroics and  antiferromagnets come to the stage“
Author: Josep Fontcuberta
CSU Colorado State Univ
Forth Collins (USA), 19th Sept 2016

“The magnetism of Oxides. Insulating ferromagnets, multiferroics and  antiferromagnets come to the stage“
Josep Fontcuberta
Univ. Colorado Colorado Springs (USA), 20th Sept 2016

“The magnetism of Oxides. Insulating ferromagnets, multiferroics and  antiferromagnets come to the stage“
Josep Fontcuberta
Univ. Denver
Denver (USA), 21st Sept 2016

“The magnetism of Oxides. Insulating ferromagnets, multiferroics and  antiferromagnets come to the stage“
Author: Josep Fontcuberta
Tsinghua University
Beijing (China), 10th Oct 2016

“The magnetism of Oxides. Insulating ferromagnets, multiferroics and  antiferromagnets come to the stage“
Josep Fontcuberta
Nanjing University of Sci. & Tech.
Nanjing (China), 14th Oct 2016

“The magnetism of Oxides. Insulating ferromagnets, multiferroics and  antiferromagnets come to the stage“
Josep Fontcuberta
Fudan University
Shanghai (China), 14th Oct 2016

“The magnetism of Oxides. Insulating ferromagnets, multiferroics and  antiferromagnets come to the stage“
Josep Fontcuberta
Instituto Ciencia Materiales de Madrid
Madrid 24th Oct 2016

“The magnetism of Oxides. Insulating ferromagnets, multiferroics and  antiferromagnets come to the stage“
Josep Fontcuberta
Fac. Física Universidad Santiago
Santiago de Compostela, 25th Oct 2016

“The magnetism of Oxides. Insulating ferromagnets, multiferroics and  antiferromagnets come to the stage“
osep Fontcuberta
Universidad Oviedo
Ovideo, 26th Oct 2016

“The magnetism of Oxides. Insulating ferromagnets, multiferroics and  antiferromagnets come to the stage“
Author: Josep Fontcuberta
Univesidad de Cantabria
Santander, 27th Oct 2016

“The magnetism of Oxides. Insulating ferromagnets, multiferroics and  antiferromagnets come to the stage“
Author: Josep Fontcuberta
EHU Univesidad Pais Vasco
Bilbao, 28th Oct 2016

“The magnetism of Oxides. Insulating ferromagnets, multiferroics and  antiferromagnets come to the stage“
Author: Josep Fontcuberta
Centro Nacional Energia Atomica (CNEA)
Buenos Aires, 31st Oct 2016

“The magnetism of Oxides. Insulating ferromagnets, multiferroics and  antiferromagnets come to the stage“
Author: Josep Fontcuberta
Fac Física Universidad de La Plata
La Plata, 1st  Nov 2016

“The magnetism of Oxides. Insulating ferromagnets, multiferroics and  antiferromagnets come to the stage“
Author: Josep Fontcuberta
Univ. Chile
Santiago de Chile, 2nd Nov 2016

“The magnetism of Oxides. Insulating ferromagnets, multiferroics and  antiferromagnets come to the stage“
Author: Josep Fontcuberta
Universidad Santiago
Santiago de Chile, 3rd Nov 2016

“The magnetism of Oxides. Insulating ferromagnets, multiferroics and  antiferromagnets come to the stage“
Author: Josep Fontcuberta
Fac Fisica, Universidad de Porto Alegre
Porto Alegre (Brazil) 7th Nov 2016

“The magnetism of Oxides. Insulating ferromagnets, multiferroics and  antiferromagnets come to the stage“
Author: Josep Fontcuberta
UNICAMP; Univ de Campinas
Campinas (Brazil) 8th Nov 2016

“The magnetism of Oxides. Insulating ferromagnets, multiferroics and  antiferromagnets come to the stage“
Author: Josep Fontcuberta
Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) 9th Nov 2016

“The magnetism of Oxides. Insulating ferromagnets, multiferroics and  antiferromagnets come to the stage“
Author: Josep Fontcuberta
Centro de Desenvolvimento da Tecnologia Nuclear
Belo Horizonte (Brazil) 10th Nov 2016

“The magnetism of Oxides. Insulating ferromagnets, multiferroics and  antiferromagnets come to the stage“
Author: Josep Fontcuberta
Fac Física Univeridade de Recife
Recife  (Brazil) 11th Nov 2016

“The magnetism of Oxides. Insulating ferromagnets, multiferroics and  antiferromagnets come to the stage“
Author: Josep Fontcuberta
Fac Física Univesitat de Barcelona
Barcelona 15th Nov 2016

“The magnetism of Oxides. Insulating ferromagnets, multiferroics and  antiferromagnets come to the stage“
Author: Josep Fontcuberta
International Symposium on Mag. And Mag. Mater 2016
Jeju-Korea,  24th Nov 2016

“The magnetism of Oxides. Insulating ferromagnets, multiferroics and  antiferromagnets come to the stage“
Author: Josep Fontcuberta
Fac of Physics Moscow State Univesity
Moscow  ,  5th Dec 2016

“The magnetism of Oxides. Insulating ferromagnets, multiferroics and  antiferromagnets come to the stage“
Author: Josep Fontcuberta
Miheev Institute of Metal Physics
Ekaterinburg , 7th Dec 2016

“The magnetism of Oxides. Insulating ferromagnets, multiferroics and  antiferromagnets come to the stage.“
Author: Josep Fontcuberta
Kirensky Institut of Physics
Krasnoyarsk, 9th  Dec 2016

“Simultaneous imaging of strain waves and induced magnetization dynamics at the nanometer scale.“
Author: Ferran Macià
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
Trondheim, 15th  Dec 2016



Spin-orbit mediated magneto-resistance in oxide antiferromagnets and metal/ferrimagnet bilayers
Josep Fontcuberta
WE-Heraeus-Seminar: “Oxide Spintronics: Novel Materials, Transport and Emerging Phenomena”
7 – 9 January 2015 at the Physikzentrum Bad Honnef/Germany

Epitaxial integration of ferromagnetic and ferroelectric oxides with silicon
F. Sánchez
E-MRS Fall Meeting
Warsaw 2015

Interface and lattice strain effects in ferroelectric BaTiO3/StTiO3 superlattices
F. Sánchez
E-MRS Fall Meeting
Warsaw 2015

Magnetoresistance in metal/insulating ferrimagnet bilayers
J. Fontcuberta
E-MRS Fall Meeting
Warsaw 2015

Multiferroic epitaxial oxide heterostructures on Si(001)
M. Scigaj, N. Dix, I. Fina, R. Bachelet, V. Skumryev, B. Casals, G. Herranz, J. Fontcuberta, F. Sánchez
European Materials Research Society (EMRS) Spring Meeting
Lille (Francia), May 13, 2015



A fresh view on antiferromagnets
J. Fontcuberta
10th International Workshop on Magnetism and Superconductivity
Coma-ruga (Tarragona). Spain, 30 June-4  July 2014





Orbital and electronic reconstructions at the surfaces and interfaces of transition metal oxides
Josep Fontcuberta
X- LAW3M: X – LatinAmerican Workshop on Magnetism, Magnetic Materials and Their Applications
Buenos Aires, Argentina, April 8-12, 2013

“Phase-Coexistence and Short-Range Magnetic Order in Magnetic Multiferroics”
Josep Fontcuberta
Joint European Magnetic Symposia JEMS 2013
Rhodes 25th-30th August

“Magnetoelectric coupling via interface-coupling and phase-separation in multiferroics”
Josep Fontcuberta.
Italian National Conference on Condensed Matter Physics
Milano, 9th-13th September 2013

“Interface coupling and phase separation: keys to magnetoelectric coupling and polarization memory in multiferroics”
Josep Fontcuberta
EUROMAT 2013, European Congress & Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes
Sevilla 8th-12th September 2013

“Engineering electronic occupancy at surfaces and interfaces of transition metal oxides”
Josep Fontcuberta
Jülich Centre for Neutron Science, JCNS Workshop 2013, Trends and Perspectives in Neutron Scattering: Magnetism and Correlated Electron Systems
Tutzing, Germany, 7-10 October 2013

“Engineering the Orbital Electronic Occupancy of Metal-oxide Manganite Surfaces”
Gervasi Herranz
MRS Spring 2013, Symposium S, “Nanostructured Metal Oxides for Advanced Applications”.
San Francisco, USA, 1 – 5 April, 2013

“Polarized Light for Domain Imaging of Multiferroic Systems..”
Gervasi Herranz
Challenges in Multiferroics/Magnetoelectrics
Strasbourg, France, 4 – 6 December, 2013.

Large out-of-plane ferroelectric polarization in flat epitaxial BaTiO3/CoFe2O4 heterostructures
N. Dix, I. Fina, R. Bachelet, C. Kanamadi, L. Fàbrega, J.M. Rebled, F. Peiró, J. Fontcuberta
Nanoselect (Consolider project) Meeting
Sant Feliu de Guixols, July 15, 2013


“Surfaces and interface: Engineering tools for emerging properties in transition metal oxides”
Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg, Halle,Germany, 16th May  2013

“Electronic reconstructions at surfaces and interfaces of transition metal oxides ”
Josep Fontcuberta
Institute for Superconductors, Oxides and Other Innovative Materials and Devices SPIN, CNR
University Rome 2, Tor Vergata
Rome, Italy, May 31st, 2013

“Multiferroic Materials: overview and trends ”
Josep Fontcuberta
Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica, Università del Salento, NNL Institute Nanoscience-CNR, University Lecce
Lecce, Italy, June 3rd, 2013



“Magnetic chiral domains in multiferroic thin films keep memory”
Josep Fontcuberta
SUDOEWorkshop on Nanomagnetism and Spintronics
CIC nanoGUNE, San Sebastian 22-24 February 2012

“Surfaces and Interfaces in oxides”
Josep Fontcuberta
ATHENA 2012: “An Advanced School on Modeling Complex Oxides”
S.M. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences. Kolkata (India), 9-12 April 2012

“Cycloidal Antiferromagnets”
Josep Fontcuberta
 ATHENA 2012: “An Advanced School on Modeling Complex Oxides”
S.M. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences. Kolkata (India), 9-12 April 2012

Strain – engineered properties of functional oxide thin films: from bulk to free surfaces
Josep Fontcuberta
First Conference on Superconductors and Functional Oxides “SuperFox”
Como (Italy), 19-22 June 2012

Multiferroic epitaxial thion films and heterostructures
Josep Fontcuberta
Electroceramics XIII
Twente (The Netherlands), June 24th-27th 2012

Strain controlled magnetic and ferroic orders in antiferromagnetic AMnO3 thin films
Josep Fontcuberta
21th International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics
Aveiro (Portugal), July 9th-13th 2012

Magnetoelectric coupling in cycloidal thin film
Josep Fontcuberta
Semi-Plenary Invited Lecture
21th Joint European Magnetic Symposia
Parma (Italy), September 9th to 14th, 2012

Chiral memory in magnetic ferroelectrics
Josep Fontcuberta
Meeting on “ Magnetoelectrics at mesoscale” org. by Royal Society
Chicheley Hall (Milton Keynes) UK, September 26th to 27th, 2012

Strain and surfaces hold the clues. Magnetic ordering, permittivity and orbital filling in AMnO3 films
Josep Fontcuberta
International Workshop on “Some aspects of Nanotechnology”
Universty of Ostrava
Ostrava, Czech Republic, October 23th – 24th 2012

Transition metal oxides, so simple, so beautiful
Josep Fontcuberta
Annual meeeting of the “Spanish Club of Magnetism”
Zaragoza, December 13th  2012

Two-dimensional growth and properties of magnetoelectric BaTiO3-CoFe2O4 epitaxial bilayers on SrTiO3(001) and Si(001)
F. Sánchez
The 7th International Conference on Advanced Materials, ROCAM 2012
Brasov (Rumanía), August 2012,

Playing with Photonics and Plasmonics: a way to shape Magneto-optical spectra.
G. Herranz
Intermag Conference 2012
Vancouver (Canada), 7 – 11 May, 2012

Interplay between strain and electronic structure in transition metal oxides
G. Herranz
Summer Meeting on Condensed Matter Physics and Chemistry
Santiago de Compostela, 12-13 July 2013



Conference: Strain-effects on oxide thin films
Josep Fontcuberta
Participation: Seminar
Leibniz-Institut für Kristallzüchtung Berlin
Berlin (Germany), May 25th 2012

Conference: Magnetic ordering and orbital filling. Stain holds the clues
Josep Fontcuberta
Participation: Invited Lecture
Paul Scherer Institute
Villigen, Swizerland, October 5th  2012

Conference: Functional oxides on silicon
F. Sánchez
Participation: Invited Lecture
WE-Heraeus Physics School “Microelectrics for Society – More than Moore expands More Moore”
Bad Honnef (Alemania), June 11, 2012

Conference: Progress in the integration of functional oxides with silicon
F. Sánchez
Participation: Invited Lecture
WE-Heraeus Physics School “Microelectrics for Society – More than Moore expands More Moore”
Bad Honnef (Alemania), June 12, 2012



Switchable magnetization and polarization in multiferroic structures and thin films
J. Fontcuberta
Workshop on Structure and Magnetism in Multiferroics-ESRF
Grenoble (France), 2011

Materiales Multiferroicos: estado actual y perpectivas
J. Fontcuberta
Jornada de Materiales Multiferroicos
Madrid (Spain), 2011

Electric Field Switching of exchange bias and domain wall dynamics
J. Fontcuberta
European Materiasls Research Society (E-MRS) Spring Meeting
Nice (France), 2011

Domain wall and chiral effects on the switching of magnetization and polarization in multiferroics
J. Fontcuberta
International Discussion Meeting on Thermoelectrics and Related Functional Materials
Aalto University, Helsinki (Finland), 2011

Switchable Magnetization and Polarization Using Multiferroic Thin Films and Heterostructures
J. Fontcuberta
12th European Meeting on Ferroelectricity
Bordeaux (France), 2011

Domain wall and chiral effects on the switching of magnetization and polarization in multiferroics
J. Fontcuberta
7th International Workshop on Nanomagnetims & Superconductivity
Coma-ruga (Spain), 2011

Magnetoelectric coupling in exchange-biased multiferroic structures
J. Fontcuberta
International Symposium on Integrated Functionalities (ISIF)
Cambridge (UK), 2011

Invited Reviewer in the Discussion Meeting on “The new science of oxide interfaces”
J. Fontcuberta
The Royal Society, London (UK), 2011

Novel Functionalities of surfaces and interfaces of oxides
J. Fontcuberta
XVIII International Summer school Nicolás Cabrera; Surface Functionalization of Materials for Added value applications
Miraflores de la Sierra, Madrid (Spain), 2011

Multiferroic thin films and heterostructure
J. Fontcuberta
MAMA-Synt: Synthesis and Design of Multifunctional materials and heterostructures
Ercolano (Italy), 2011



Multiferroic heterostructures based in perovskite and spinel oxides
F. Sánchez
University of Geneva, Department of Physics of Condensed Matter
Geneva (Switzerland), March 18, 2011



Beyond conventional magneto-optical spectroscopy of magnetic oxides
G. Herranz
CIMTEC 2010, 12th International Ceramics Congress
Montecatini Terme (Italy), 2010

Electronic properties of the quasi-2D electron gas at the polar LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface
G. Herranz
SPIE Conference in Spintronics
San Diego (USA), 2010

From Spin Filters to Electrically Switchable Magnetic Devices
J. Fontcuberta
Spaintronics, ConCiencias, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
Santiago de Compostela (Spain), 2010

Multiferroic materials: overview and some prospectives
J. Fontcuberta
Nuevos retos y aplicaciones del magnetismo
Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo, A Coruña (Spain), 2010

Interfaces in manganese perovskites: a self-adaptative chemical composition
J. Fontcuberta
Joint European Magnetic Symposia (JEMS)
Krakow (Poland), 2010

Magnetism and Ferroelectricity in Orthorhombic AMnO3 thin films
J. Fontcuberta
European Materiasls Research Society (E-MRS) Fall Meeting, Symposium on Phase Transitions
Warsaw (Poland), 2010

Switchable magnetization and polarization in multiferroic exchange-biased structures and films
J. Fontcuberta
17th Workshop on Oxide Electronics
Awaji Yumebutai (Japan), 2010

Electric and magnetic control of magnetization and polarization in multiferroic heterostructures and devices
J. Fontcuberta
European School of Multiferroics
L’Aquila (Italy), 2010

Switchable magnetization and polarization using multiferroics
J. Fontcuberta
Frontiers of Condensed Matter V
Buenos Aires (Argentina), 2010


Pulsed laser deposition: new possibilities for thin films deposition at ICMAB
F. Sánchez
Institut of Materials Science of Barcelona (ICMAB)
Bellaterra (Spain), November 15, 2010

Integration of epitaxial films of ferromagnetic CoFe2O4 with dissimilar materials
F. Sánchez
Institut für innovative mikroelektronik
Frankfurt Oder (Germany), October 22, 2010

Fabricación de microcalorímetros superconductores para detección de rayos X
L. Fàbrega
Instituto de Física de Cantabria
Santander (Spain), 2010

Electronic properties of the quasi-2D electron gas at the polar LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface
G. Herranz
Chalmers University
Göteborg (Sweden), February 2010



Nanoscale analysis of oxide interface properties
G. Herranz
APS March Meeting
Pittsburgh (USA), 2009.

Engineering high-mobility gases in SrTiO3
G. Herranz
Villa Conference on Complex Oxide Heterostructures
St. Thomas, Virgin Islands (USA), 2009.

Oxide heterointerfaces: beyond pure electrostatic effects
G. Herranz
16th International Workshop on Oxide Electronics (WOE-16)
Tarragona (Spain), 2009.

Multiferroic Materials: overview and some prospective
J. Fontcuberta
5th International School and Conference on Spintronics and Quantum Information
Krakow (Poland), 2009

Multiferroic Materials: overview and some prospective
J. Fontcuberta
NANOSELECT –Consolider Meeting
Sant Benet Bages, Barcelona (Spain), 2009



Albert Fert: de l’espín a l’espintrònica
J. Fontcuberta
Investidura Honoris Causa, Prof. Albert Fert
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra (Spain), 2009.



Multiferroic thin films
F. Sánchez
2nd European School on Multiferroics
Girona (Spain), 2008

Detectors de Raigs X amb superconductors
L. Fàbrega
I Jornada de recerca espacial a la UAB
Bellaterra (Spain), 2008

EURECA, an european cryospectrometer prototype for XEUS
L. Fàbrega
Jornada XEUS
Santander (Spain), 2008

High-mobility conduction in SrTiO3-based structures
G. Herranz
Minerals, Metals and Materials Society (TMS)
New Orleans (USA), 2008

Interface effects in strongly correlated oxides
G. Herranz
Villa Conference on Complex Oxide Heterostructures (ViC-COH)
Orlando (USA), 2008

Exchange biasing with multiferroics: electric field effects on magnetic and magnetotransport properties
J. Fontcuberta
Americal Physical Society March Meeting
New Orleans (USA), 2008

Ferromagnetic oxides for spin filtering
J. Fontcuberta
International Magnetics Conference-Intermag
Madrid (Spain), 2008

Magnetism in ferroelectric AMnO3 oxides
J. Fontcuberta
European Materiasls Research Society (E-MRS) Spring Meeting
Strasbourg (France), 2008

Interface effects in (La,Ca,Sr)MnO3 and YMnO3 thin films
J. Fontcuberta
Summer Workshop on “Frontiers of Complex Oxides”
International Center Materials Research, University California, Santa Barbara (USA), 2008

Epitaxial strain effects on interfaces of ferromagnetic manganites
J. Fontcuberta
IEEE Internacional Magnetics Conference (Intermag)
Sacramento (USA), 2009

Epitaxial strain and chemical doping effects on the magnetic properties of magnetoelectric orthorhombic YMnO3 thin films
J. Fontcuberta
IEEE Internacional Magnetics Conference (Intermag)
Sacramento (USA), 2009



Autoorganización y mecanismos de crecimiento de óxidos complejos funcionales
F. Sánchez
Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad del Valle, Cali (Colombia), 2008

Generation of confined high-mobility electron gases in doped SrTiO3
G. Herranz
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (USA), March 2008

Interfaces and Physical Properties of Oxides
G. Herranz
University of Groningen (The Netherlands), May 2008

Complex Perovskite Oxide Heterostructures: Applications and Devices
G. Herranz
Lectures at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), 30 June- 4 July 2008

Multifunctional oxide heteroestructures for spintronics
J. Fontcuberta
Université de Geneve, Geneve (Switzerland), 2008

Multifunctional oxide heteroestructures for spintronics
J. Fontcuberta
IFW-Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research, Dresden (Germany), 2008

Multifunctional oxide heteroestructures for spintronics
J. Fontcuberta
IMEC, Leuven (Belgium), 2008

Multifunctional oxide heteroestructures for spintronics
J. Fontcuberta
Seminarios del Departamento de Física de la Materia Condensada, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza (Spain), 2008

Spintronics: a new opportunity for oxides
J. Fontcuberta
Cicle de Seminaris dels Departaments de Inorgànica i Orgànica, Facultad de Química, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona (Spain), 2008



Thin films growth mechanisms and properties of ferromagnetic oxides
F. Sánchez
2th International Avanced Materials Forum for Young Scientists
Tsukuba (Japan), 2007

Growth mechanisms of epitaxial functional oxides
F. Sánchez, N. Dix, U. Lüders, G. Herranz, I.C. Infante, F. Rigato, C. Ferrater, M.V. García-Cuenca, M. Varela, and J. Fontcuberta
Thin films for novel oxide devices (5th THIOX meeting)
Sant Feliu de Guixols (Spain), 2007

New multifunctional oxide heteroestructures for spintronics
J. Fontcuberta
XXX Encontro Nacional de Física de la Materia Condensada
Sao Lourenço (Brasil), 2007

Growth of multifunctional oxide heteroestructures for spintronics
J. Fontcuberta
Functionalized Nanoscale Materials, Devices and Systems for chem.-bio Sensors, Photonics and Energy Generation and Storage; NATO- Advanced Study Institute
Sinaia (Romania), 2007

Manganite-type multiferroics
J. Fontcuberta
European School on Multiferroics
Grenoble (France), 2007

Novel materials and devices for spintronics
J. Fontcuberta
Nuevas fronteras en Magnetismo, Universidad de Zaragoza, Cursos de Verano
Jaca, Huesca (Spain), 2007

Phase separation in (001) and (110) LCMO epitaxial thin films
J. Fontcuberta
UCM Workshop “Frontiers on Oxide electronics”
Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid (Spain), 2007



Physical vapor deposition of functional complex oxides: mechanisms of epitaxy and self-organization of low-dimensional structures
F. Sánchez
Laboratory TASC, CNR
Trieste (Italy), 2007

Oxides for Spintronics
G. Herranz
Seoul National University
Seoul (South Korea), October 2007

Oxides for Spintronics
G. Herranz
University of Zagreb (Croatia), October 2007

Els Materials del 3er mil.leni
J. Fontcuberta
II Diada de la Ciència i la Tecnologia, Escola Pia de Caldes de Montbui
Caldes de Montbui, Barcelona (Spain), 2007

New multifunctional oxide heteroestructures for spintronics
J. Fontcuberta
Walther-Meißner-Institute for Low Temperature Research, Munich (Germany), 2007

Nobels Física 2007: Albert Fert i Peter Grünberg. Descobridors de la Magnetoresistència Gegant (GMR)
J. Fontcuberta
Institut de Ciencia de Materials de Barcelona (ICMAB-CSIC), Bellaterra (Spain), 2007



Impact of structural disorder on the magnetotransport properties of complex oxide thin films
G. Herranz
4th THIOX Topical Meeting Spring 2006
Trondheim (Norway), 2006

Multiferroics for spintronics
G. Herranz
III International Workshop on Nanomagnetism
Coma-ruga (Spain), 2007

Spin electronics with multiferroics
G. Herranz
International Conference on Electroceramics
Arusha (Tanzania), 2007

Trends in Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
J. Fontcuberta
Jornadas de Evaluación y Seguimiento de Proyectos, Reunión MEyC: Plan Nacional de Materiales
Institut of Materials Science of Barcelona (ICMAB), Bellaterra (Spain), 2006

Exchange biasing with magnetoelectric YMnO3
J. Fontcuberta
International Conferences on Modern Materials & Tecnologies (2006 CIMTEC), Symposium on “Spin Injection and Transport in Magnetoelectronics”
Catania (Italy), 2006

Novel materials for spintronics
J. Fontcuberta
III Joint European Magnetic Symposia-JEMS 06
Donostia (Spain), 2006

Ferromagnetic Oxide Heterostructures for spin filtering
J. Fontcuberta
European Materials Research Society (EMRS) Fall Meeting, Symposium on “Complex Oxide Materials for new tecnologies”
Warsaw (Poland), 2006

Exchange biasing with biferroic YMnO3 epitaxial films
J. Fontcuberta
Workshop on Properties of Ultrathin magnetic films
Bialowieza (Poland), 2006

Perspectives on: “How will converging nanosciences transform information society”
J. Fontcuberta
Invited Raporteur at “European Nanosciences: A Converging approach across disciplines”
Brussels (Belgium), 2006

Nuevos Materiales para sensores y actuadores magnéticos de aplicación industrial
J. Fontcuberta
Jornadas de Magnetismo Industrial
Bellaterra (Spain), 2006

Switching on/off ferromagnetism in ZnO:M
J. Fontcuberta
Symposium Latinoamericano on Solid State Physics SLAFES
Puebla (México), 2006



Full oxide heterostructure combining a highly-spin polarized diluted ferromagnet with a high-mobility conductor
G. Herranz
Laboratoire CRISMAT, Caen (France), February 2006

Switching on/off ferromagnetism in ZnO:M
J. Fontcuberta
Instituto de Magnetismo “Salvador Velayos”, Las Rozas-Madrid (Spain), 2006

Conducting AFM for nanoscale characterization of tunnel barriers and manganite electrodes
J. Fontcuberta
Thin Films for Novel Oxide Devices, 4th THIOX Topical Meeting Spring
Trondhein (Norway), 2006