[1] European Research Council Starting Grant (ERC-StG)
02/2021 – 01/2026
1’916’585 €
MAGNEPIC – Magnetic Insulators: An Enabling Platform for Innovative Spintronic Concepts
[2] Severo Ochoa FUNFUTURE – Frontier Interdisciplinary Projects 2020 Call (ICMAB-CSIC)
09/2021 – 08/2023
70’000 €
SPIN2DFUN – Spin Generation and Manipulation Using 2D Materials and Functional Oxides (joint project with Gervasi Herranz)
[3] PROYECTOS DE GENERACIÓN DE CONOCIMIENTO 2021 (Plan Nacional), Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
09/2022 – 08/2025
MAISKY – MAgnetic Insulator-based SKYrmion spintronics
12/2022 – 11/2024
CONVERT – Converting Waste Heat to Electricity in Microelectronics using Spintronic Thermopower (individual)
[5] M-ERA.NET Joint Call 2022 – Agencia Estatal de Investigación, Proyectos de Colaboración Internacional
10/2023 – 09/2026
195’000€ (total budget 450’000€)
MUST – Materials for Ultraefficient chiral SpinTronics (Coordinator / joint project with 2 partners from Poland, 1 partner from Turkey)
Title of the Project: Symmetry and Low-Dimensionality Mine-and-Craft for Efficient Spin Manipulation and Photoconversion (SymDim)
Reference: PID2020-118479RB-I00
Principal Investigators: G. Herranz, J. Gazquez
Funding Agency: Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad
Period: 01/09/2021-31/08/2024
Amount: 230 k€
Title of the Project: All-electrical control of spintronic devices
Reference: Beatriu de Pinós Fellowship 2019 BP 00207
Principal Investigator: G. Herranz
Funding Agency: AGAUR (Generalitat de Catalunya)
Period: 01/04/2021-31/03/2024
Amount: 158 k€
Title of the Project: Spin Generation and Manipulation using 2D Materials and Functional Oxides SPIN2DFUN
Principal Investigator: G. Herranz
Funding Agency: Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad through CEX2019-000917-S Severo Ochoa Project
Period: 01/09/2021-31/08/2023
Amount: 70 k€
Title: Heavy Element-Free Green Electronics (HEGEL)
Reference: TED2021-129857B-I00
Principal Investigators: G. Herranz, J. Herrero
Funding Agency: Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad
Period: 01/12/2022-30/11/2024
Amount: 264,5 k€
Title of the Project: Suport a Grups de Recerca (SGR 2023-2025): “Multifunctional and Magnetic Materials for Oxide Electronics (MUMOX)”
Reference: 2021 SGR 00445
Principal Investigator: G. Herranz
Funding Agency: AGAUR (Generalitat de Catalunya)
Period: 01/01/2023-31/12/2027
Amount: 60 k€
Competitive calls for large facilities experiments:
Title of the Project: Electron-phonon coupling in SrVO3 thin films
Reference: CNMS2023-A-01814, Principal Investigator: J. Gazquez
Funding Agency: Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA)
Period: 01/01/2023-31/12/2023
Granted access to CNMS facilities, in particular to a low-voltage (60-100kV) monochromated, aberration-corrected (MAC)-STEM/EELS (Nion Hermes)
Title of the Project: Beyond Athena: Broadening TES application prospects
Reference: PID2021-122955OB-C42
Principal Investigators: A.Camón, L.Fàbrega Funding Agency: AEI (MICINN)
Period: 01/10/2022-30/09/2025
Amount: 121 k€
Title of the Project: Phonon dynamics as ruling factor for detection of light dark matter with quantum sensors
Reference: FYP11
Principal Investigators: L.Fàbrega, R.Rurali
Funding Agency: ICMAB throug AEI (Severo Ochoa Frontier Interdisciplinary Project)
Period: 01/5/2022-30/11/2023
Amount: 60 k€
Title of the Project: Phonon dynamics as ruling factor for detection of light dark matter with quantum sensors
Reference: FYP11
Principal Investigators: L.Fàbrega, R.Rurali
Funding Agency: ICMAB through AEI (Severo Ochoa Frontier Interdisciplinary Project)
Period: 01/5/2022-30/11/2023
Amount: 60 k€
Title of the Project: Quantum sensing for Dark Matter (QS4DM)
Reference: 20219PT027
Principal Investigator: I.Vila Funding Agency:QTEP+ through NGEU
Period: 01/1/2021-18/11/2024
Amount: 862,73 k€ (total, 4 research institutes)
Title of the Project: “Integrated activities for the high energy astrophysics domain” (AHEAD2020) Reference grant agreement 871158
Principal Investigators: L.Piro
Funding Agency: EC, Call INFRAIA-01-2018-2019
Period: 01/1/2020-1/12/2024
Amount: 10 M€ (total, 28 institutions of 17 countries)